Link to the two most recent videos on your Dr. Ayers Blog
     This class is really opening my eyes to the outside world.  I knew there were wrongdoings going on around the world, but this class has brought them to the front of my attention.  Who would have guessed that the little bar of happiness you open was the result of child labor and slavery.  What is even more bothersome is the fact that at a world conference, when child slavery in the Ivory Coast was brought to the board in a 2002 board meeting, it was passed off as a disbelief and wasn't properly attended to.  For instance, they passed a bill saying they should have all chocolate not produced from child labor, which is good, but the due date on this wasn't for over a decade!  How can they sit back and watch their wallets grow heavy while they know that their are thousands if not millions of children in Africa being forced to work chocolate plantations, receiving no pay, little food, and probobly unaccepetable health and housing services.  I would then like to the pose the question, "what can one person actually do about this large of a problem?"  I would probobly have answered nothing.  This was until I viewed this TED talk by Natalie Warne who should how she brought together tens of thousands of people to the city of Chicago to bring to Oprah's attention about a problem she heled near and dear.  It was there and then that I realized one person can actually make a difference about something, as long as they remane persistant and keep their eye on the goal.  This had me thinking about the question "Why should we care about what happens around the world?"  This quote from Valentines Day really struck me, "Ask yourself what you'd want them to do if you switched shoes."  I have realized over the years that the reason I was born into a secure family and someone else was born into slavery was sheer luck.  I am not a better person or anything, I got lucky, and if I did not get lucky, I would sure hope that some person who did get lucky would help me in a time of need.  One life is no more important that another in the scheme of things and that is why people who were blessed with being born into a safe home should be thankful and give back to those who were not as fortunate. 
    I'm aware this probobly makes no sense all being in the same paragraph, but I believe they were all little bits and pieces that alone were irrelevent, but came together to form the big picture.

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