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       As the Syrian crisis rages on, more and more innocent people are losing their lives.  A French journalist reported via video that she has suffered a broken femur and is immediate need of surgery.  This might seem kind of bad but I believe she is kind of ignorant to realality.  She knowingly snuck into Syria because the borders have been closed for quite some time now trying to get a good scoop on the bitter war raging within its borders.  She was obvisouly aware of the dangers when entering, and now that she has been hurt, expects that they can call a ceasefire and  rescue her (while hundreds of thousands already go unattended who also need medical attention).  She knew what she was getting into and ignorantly believes now that people will treat her differently than the rest of the wounded people from the Syrian Crisis because "she is from the outside".  What it comes down to though is that she is now on the inside and she has no more right than anyone else to be rescued at this point because she willing entered this country with full awareness of the consequences because she was probobly "eager" to be the first in on ths scoop even though that meant endagerment to herself and her crew.  She has this misconception that a lot of people possess that they are different from the crowd of people and therefore deserve special treatment.  If a rescue chopper landed in Syria and was only able to take one person.  I hope to god it would be an injured Syrian citizen because they had no choice in the matter of being in Syria when the bombings started compared to this reporter who thought she could best the situation because she was ignorant of the sad reality of what was actually going on.  Syria is a warzone right now and your life means little to the current government in place fighting ever so deseperatly to stay in power.    

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