I would love to meet the person who came up with this idea.  He will be one of the people who goes down in history for "starting something big".  After the Russian government issued a ban on rallies involving people, someone decided to do the next best thing and start rallies with toy figurines holding placards.  Aside from how incredibly adorable this is, it points out a serious offence against the rights of Russian Citizens.  Although guarenteed the right to free peaceful assembly by their constitution, the government has passed a law forbidding such rallies in hopes to insure that the current Prime minister, Vladmir Putin, can stay in power.  He has been accussed several times of ballet stuffing and winning through corrupt methods.  Now that a mayor has passed a ban on toy rallies, oppositionists are lashing out by the tens of thousands protesting for fair elections and to regain their civil rights.  
    I think it is ironic how it takes something so small or insignificant to start a huge revolution.  I would say its quite similar how it takes a small spark to start off a barrel of dynamite.  This wave of protest was comming, it just needed something to start it going.  I believe that if this opposition gets enough support, it could change how elections are held in Russia and result in a more suitable leader put into office and the removal of Vladmir Putin who has some practices that are questionable at best.  Unfortunately, this battle which has started with plastic figurines will most likely end with metal and blood. 

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