While you should approach most matters on the internet with a degree of skepticism, the Kony 2012 campaign seems to be legit.  Unfortunately, the internet these days has became infested with "trolls", individuals who have nothing better to do than to cause mischief online (surprisingly, their internet ego doesn't translate over well into the real world!).  These trolls are people who "disliked" the Youtube video and posted comments with false or poorly worded phrases intended to discourage the average person from supporting the cause, most of the time because they thought it would be funny.  The sad truth is that there are so many of these on the internet that they really gave this video a bad rap by overinflating certain facts to make the general public grow suspicious of this righteous movement.  
    I believe that this company truely has their eyes set on the right goal.  The LRA is one of many horrible orginizations that is threatening the prospect of peace in the future.  Kony (as well as the rest of the people in command) must be stopped because their army is ruining the lives of millions of Africans.  I think the campaign can bring down the LRA if it gets enough support, not only that, but it might give people the courage to start taking down other terrorist and evil orginizations that are threatening the balance of the world.  
    Unintended consequences are generally ones that were totally unrelated to the subject because no one ever thought about it.  This could potentially be another Iraq where we would end up having to send more troops and supplies to rebuild the communities that were destroyed by the war initialy.  In this case, we may have tens of thousands of orphans in need of homes now that they arn't being housed by the LRA. 
    The response video shows that most of the criticisms are in fact largely exaggerated if not completely made up.  Like I mentioned earlier, internet trolls were this videos biggest enemy and the sad thing is they don't realize how much trouble they actually caused this orginization just to get a stupid laugh.
    All in all, I think Invisible Children is a great company that has its priorities set straight and is really in it for the good of all mankind rather than to make their pockets a bit heavier. 


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