I believe the United States' responsibility to the world includes not only financial aid, but by acting like a role model for other countries to follow.  Right now, I think the United States gives enough material support to other countries to be considered acceptable.  However, we are not being as good of a role model as we should be to other countries around the world.  Our practices in foreign relations are less than acceptable, for instance; in the Middle East where we have basically turned some countries into war torn wastelands to gain control of oil fields is not something we want other aspiring countries to attempt to do.  We must display a model for succeus that doesn't involve the degrading of other coutnries and forgein markets because that model if applied universally wouldn't work.  Not everyone can reap the benifits of taking from others because some will always end up with little or nothing.  To create a better tommarow, we need to learn to become self-sufficient and show other countries how to do the same so that everyone can come out on top.  
    Back to our fiscal responsibility.  We must contribute to those in need no douibt, but I think that we must also show how to be frugal with what we have (which currently I can guarentee we are not displaying that well).  I hesitate in saying the United States should give more money due to the fact of the extreme debt our government has accrued to the point where I don't believe we really have that much to give.  However, there is still time for change and we can as the Puritan leader, John Winthrope said "We must put ourselves upon a hill for the others to see".  So I believe our responsibility to the world should become that of a role model rather than that of a chariter.      

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