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    Christianity is currently the most practiced religion in the world.  The second most practiced one is Islam.  Generally you would think that Christianity would be pressuring on Islam, but in the Middle East, it is quite the contrary.  
    It turns out that Christians are being persecuted, threatend, and even killed in the Middle East by Islamic practicers who define Christianity as blasphamy.  The reason I had never heard about this is because the media is affraid to cover this topic.  It turns out Islamic people are intimidating the media so much that they don't right reports on these incidents and crimes for fear of their own lives.  
    This one specific case in Pakistan really shocked me.  A Christian woman in Pakistan was sentenced to death for apperently insulting the Muslim prophet, Muhammad.  When the leader of Pakistan pardoned her, she was killed by a guard who was then celebrated as a hero for murdering the leader of a country (which in some cases happens, but generally when the leader was extremely currupt which was not the case).  The guard who killed her was sentanced to death as he should have been according to Pakistani Law, however the judge who imposed the fair ruling now has to hide the rest of his life in fear because he ordered the sentance even though that was exactly what he was supposed to do.  
    I don't want to generalize the entire Islamic community, but many Islmaic Extremists pursue the expansion of their beliefs through terrorism.  They arn't able to persuade people to join their religion so they turn to bullying people with threats, violence and murder into conforming to their ideas.  
    Thousands of these horrible acts are commited by Muslims on Christians everyday.  Churches are burned, people are kidnapped, and hostages are taken because Muslims see Christians as a threat to their religion.  For instance, a group of Christian relief workers were all brutally murdered by guns and grenades in Pakistan once even though they had not provoked anyone, nor made any form of judgemental comments to the Islamic community.  It turns out they were actaully providing relief to many earthquake victims in the country.  What really pisses me off though is that instead of the Muslim community helping the earthquake victims in their own country, they kill 14 innocent people who were performing selfless acts that in no way deserved any form of punishment (let alone death). 
    I'm very biased on this subject obviously because I'm a Christian, regardless, I support Ron Dreher's blog post about this war on Christianity.  Islam should no longer be described as the victim's of heroes because they are doing an equal amount if not more horrible crimes against people only for the sake of their religion.  Although for a few isolated instances, you do not see Christians running around openly persecuting Muslims and furthermore, killing them because of their religion.  Islamic communities have turned to a fear of other religions and have been consequently trying to rid their lands of all people who do not conform to their beliefs.  This is completely against the conceptual idea of religion in my opinion and I can gaurentee you that it describes no where in their holy texts for it to be right to end another human life simply because they are different than you.  

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