The first thing that came to my mind when I read this was, "How the hell did a blind Chinese dude escape from anywhere?"  Reading further, it was comforting to know that it indeed a group effort that resulted in the escape of Chen Guancheng.  Now people are growing alarmed about how many friends and family of his are being detained and people are seriously questionning the legitimacy of this government.  This is turning out to be a repeat of events of the 1987 when a different escaped convict fled to the US embassy for shelter in what would turn out to be a 2 year deal.  Although he has actually never been convicted of anything, he and his family were placed under house arrest over growing suspicion and although he hides behind the safety of the American mission in China, his family remains under house arrest with many of his friends and family members detained in unknown locations.  
    I am pretty impressed that a blind dude did somehow manage to scale a wall built around his house by the Chinese government and then flee 100 miles to safety all without his eyesight.  His colleagues declared "that this escape had taken months to plan, and was carried out by a network of activists." 
    Chen announced that he doesn't want exile from China, but protection for the time being.  He was under arret for an unofficial crime, the American embassy wants to be assured however that if they protect him that his friends and family will remain safe.   

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