I'm not sure how China's ecnomomy is crap.  Every day I see videos of their students all working about 100x harder at their school work, going to more classes and for longer periods of time than their American counter-parts.  What is holding them back?  I think the limited amount of Communist regime still installed in the country is holding it back from economic growth.  
    In a last ditch effort, the government declared banks no longer had to hold nearly as much money in their reserves in hopes that it will give a much needed boost to the economy.  The move is going to let banks free up billions of "Yuan" although I'm not quite sure how much money that is, I'd assume it has to be some substantial amount if they want to get a country with over 1 billion people in it out of a depression.  China also copied the US's idea of the North Atlantic Free Trade Zone.  Much how we attempted to get free trade with our neighbors Canada and Mexico, China is attempting a similar partnership with Japan and South Korea.  Leaving the already 3rd world North Koreans to play alone with their broken missles that can't even make it into outerspace.  
    You really got to wonder how bad the North Korean government must be because you can easily see how prosperous South Korea is and how poor North Korea is.  They are two countries of almost identical culture and location so there shouldn't really be such a gap in wealth.  In fact, North Korea borders China which is one of the best trade nations in the world so they should even have a clear cut advantage of the South Koreans, however their oppressive government that has been brainwashing their minds for decades now has thrown the country into a state of hopelessness and turmoil in which they are bound to make many irrational choices such as the failed missle launches earlier this year. 

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