This is just such a controversial issue because everyones such babies about what is and what isn't discrimination.  To be honest it was a bold, and probably just plain stupid move to come out of the closet so to speak about your views on sexuality.  The reason he did it I believe is that he wants to get Mitt Romney critized for his opposite views on the spectrum.  I think he actually managed to achieve this however there are more people against gay marriage than for it still although the difference has become much less in recent years and the gap is closing.          
    How does this relate to the world humanities.  Well many of the countries of the world tend to follow American trends and although I don't see it happening in the upcomming years, I believe universal gay acceptance is very possible.  I myself am not completly comfortable with the idea yet, but I don't have to be either.  The one problem is however the Middle East (isn't it always?) whom have even more narrow-minded views that the majority of Americans on the topic.  I can't imagine Obama could become any less popular in the Middle East.  I have the belief (and don't judge me on this) that foreign relations in like everywhere in the world besides Europe would be easier if we didn't have some rich white guy as our president.  I guess however enthropy applies universally and that everyone will never all feel the same.      Like womens rights and African Americans, Gays will have to go through a long and tedius struggle to gain acceptance in this oh so judgemental world.

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