Its the cold war all over again!  The US just released highly contrversial plans to set up a missle defense system in... Europe!  And Russia doesn't seem to want to let that happen (for obvious reasons).  They have responded to the situation by saying they will in fact use force to prevent a threat to their national security.  What seems to be the underlying cause of this misunderstanding seems to be a lack of communication between the two countries!  Who would have guessed?  In such a highly connected world  through resources such as the internet, cell phones, and other mobile devices you would think two of the worlds superpowers would be able to discuss plans with one another.  It seems however that the Cold War really hasn't ended and those highly violent underlying tensions seem to still be present.  I would bet that we still don't want to communicate with them because we view them different than ourselves.  This lack of empathy is very dangerous when both sides of the coin have weapons that could easily level multiple cities with the single click of a button.  The world will never get closer if superpowers like us can't work out our differences and peacefully coexist.
    The plans were apperently started under Lil' Bush.  When Obama took office in 08 he immediatly scrapped the plans saying they would never work.  However in the year 2010 he began looking more into the subject and made the executive decision to revive the plans.  What will result I assume is more tension with Russia although I would bet that neither of us have the balls to actually attack one another.

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